Birding Hotspots in Cayo

Cayo is the largest District in Belize. Incredibly rich Flora and Fauna, diverse habitats, Protected Areas, Major rivers, and favorable climate makes Cayo a haven for bird watching and avian conservation. For all you Nature Lovers & Birders, be sure to check out some of these great hotspot this summer: Aguacate Lagoon ATM Trails Barton […]
Dr. Stephen Educating Belizean Students

Belize Natural History Archive’s Mission is to promote understanding of the natural World, and our place in it, through Research, Education and Exhibits, and to inspire in all a respect for Nature, the Environment and the Biodiversity of Belize. Our Exhibit is now open and Dr Stephen is ready to guide you! #belizenaturalhistoryarchive #ThingstodoinBelize #biodiversitybelize […]
Uncovering New Species

In the depths of lush rainforests, the vast expanses of the ocean, and even in our own backyards, a world of undiscovered wonders awaits. At the Belize Natural History Archive, the pursuit of uncovering new species is a captivating voyage into the unknown, where each find unravels a piece of the intricate tapestry of life […]